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Friday, July 2, 2010

Looking to the future

Yes, what does the future entail for us all? Hmmm well, all I can say is this. In my total existence on planet earth so far, I have witnessed allot of changes and new things.

But let me first talk about an amazing woman who was my neighbour across the street from my home. She turned 100 years old in 2009 and I was invited to her birthday. Her name was Lucy Greer and I have to say I have allot of respect for her and think of her and others from my neighbourhood very often remembering some memory.

A few years before I was touring around the old neighbourhood as you could see from my youtube video of my old house. Well from when I shot that piece of history to me. I proceeded to go round to Lucy’s place. WE sat in the backyard having tea and remembered things of the old days of Carleton Heights. She told me then that she was remembering all the poetry she learned as a child and then to proceed reciting one for me.

This was when I realized that I was sitting with someone who has seen SO MUCH history happen in those 100 years. Think of it she witnessed from the horse and buggy days to seeing a new thing called a car, she saw and experienced two world wars, with all the history that were within those years. She saw assignations of great people. Lived through an atomic bomb, she saw rockets and spaceships along with man landing on the moon, the eras of music change, the fads, 9/11, in other words she saw a hundred years of history go by her own eyes.

Now for myself, I have been on this planet now for a little less then Lucy, but I also have seen history exploding in living colour before me.

History fascinates me because those years that fly by us are the years of history. I look at it this way when I went to school we learned the history that was presented to us from another persons prospective, at least that is how I saw it. Either that or you had the teacher who would just read it out of a textbook with no emotion or social redeeming value. Making it impossible to grasp, especially when you had the teacher who was bent on the way they would teach it and not give into events that surrounded the date in question.

For myself I was always wondering and I would say in grade 5 I took a real interest in the explorers who actually carved out the maps of North America looking for the Eastern Passage. But that was back when I was in school since then so much history has happened over due course, is it however already been carved into the golden stone already? Now that is something to think about …

Leap ahead now for a sec. Because I have always been fascinated by the brain. Not just a human’s brain but all brains the corner stone I believe to the answer to all history.

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