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Monday, July 5, 2010

Are we all Guilty of that one commandment that say’s;

Well here, we are day what of the BP disaster. Well here, it is people July 5th and so let us see 100,000 gallons a day hmm times …. Well you can see from the little equation that Yeah that\s allot of friggen oil that is flowing into the oceans KILLING the marine life. Not to mention the birds and mammals that are being KILLED.


Then if it keeps going, we will be next people…


Nevertheless, here are my thoughts on all of this because this is what is really happening. When I was young it started when I actually went to a open pit mine and saw trucks filled with rocks and gravel leaving the mine and in my mind I was thinking when they take something from the earth how does the earth fix itself up… okay I thought this because when you do something to your own body like falling off your bike and cutting up your knees lets say, well it bleeds and bleeds, you cry and cry. Then after a few weeks and many bandages, your knees are back to normal. Well I thought maybe the earth does the same. Boy was I wrong! Because when we take things from mother earth she does not get better, she gets worst. To think that we the people have been destroying our earth now for how long?

Well people after looking at something a few days after we experienced a 5.0 earthquake here in Ottawa and the area, they even felt it as far as Buffalo and New York. Well I took down my globe and I looked at something and found that what I was thinking was hmmm RIGHT.

Okay I am going to make a prediction here now, as that earthquake happened My prediction is that within another six weeks to ten another earthquake is going to happen. Because all that oil gushing out people is making a void in mother earth.

It does not take a rocket scientist to figure this out. Take your globes your atlas and put your finger in the area of that BP oil spill, now take your finger and move it northward… see what I am talking about if you see your finger goes along almost a straight line up past the Ottawa area, and with the void that BP is creating by not taking immediate action, or really not testing this oil drilling procedure and even admitting it was a disaster waiting to happen. They are creating a huge void, which for the matter is creating the earth to swift to fill that void. However, when you take something out you have to have something going back in. We all know that never happens. Therefore, with all that oil gushing out we are guilty of MURDER! Well in this case I will say BP is the criminal.

You bet I am pissed off because of this and dam mad to, What is the answer here…Look up Look up Look way up and just look at that bright yellow thing hanging in the sky. The sun that is what we should be honing in on. The sun is our ultimate power source and we should be doing more science wise to harness that power. We have only started. I say to all oil companies QUIT being greedy leave mother earth along and start the energy boost to harness what God gave us the sun, wind, and water because water is really the fluid to use. Which always boggles the mind, like what ever happened to the car that would run on water? Or where are the jet packs, flying cars that magazines like Popullar Science or Popular Mechanics were showing us in the 50’s and 60’s?

We MUST do more, and more research on the elements around the earth. The Sun, wind, water are our true energy sources and all of them at the moment which they should be are FREE

It’s time my little hormones we take action before it is too late.

And yes please BOYCOTT BP!

What is he really thinking?
"Hmm maybe I should go sailing."

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