So I am watching the news this morning while I awake and get ready for yet another day of struggling to stay afloat, and I am totally getting crazy at the news stories coming over your television airwaves….First off the news of Tony Hayward stepping down from BP is really getting my goat. Sorry but this person is walking away with how much of a pension? Moreover, the ironic thing about this is the big shots say that it is not that much …18 million so that he can get his life back… EXCUSE my language but HOLY SHIT!!! Like he does not have a great life especially when he can go boating a few weeks or is those days after the oil explosion in the gulf. Again, 18 million is allot of money that the feeble and meek could use… You know I would love to see these fat cats who have so much money that they don’t know what to do with actually live a life like many of us do struggling to stay afloat. People who actually work hard for the little pay checks they receive every two weeks to live.
I say this, people that money that he gets should not go to him at all but to the people who in my mind suffer the most those are the ones who will lose most likely or will indeed lose everything… Many of us poorer folks fall in amongst the cracks, and have to start from scratch with nothing, Or if you are lucky with some sort of welfare to keep afloat, which does not do much for many because, of the amount that you get…
I say this Tony Hayward should be thrown out with no pension and should be thrown into a crack in the sidewalk,

and then let him get his life back together then , let us see if indeed he can climb out and get his life back? This is bullshit… no management discussion they say for his replacement reports say. Well when the next person comes in at least I hope he has the knowledge and does really realize that all that oil being taken out of the earth is causing not just the oil spill mishap but also sees that taking oil out of mother earth is only causing the earths plates to shift. Which in turn if you look closely at where they are drilling for oil in the gulf you can see oh the earthquake in Haiti and then how about the earthquake we had here in Ottawa and the area…hmm that one was felt as far as New York, and Boston! So am I wrong in saying that all this oil drilling by those oil barons is causing a void within Mother Earth
I still say YES! Because if you do little experiments with say a bottle of water. What happens to the bottle when you put your mouth to the top and drink out all the water within the bottle.Opps, the water bottle will deplete and crinkle down so look at that experiment as the earth when they take out all that oil…Like I said there is a void there that happens so what is the obvious thing that happens the earths plates will shift to fill that void hence earthquakes and other disasters. I am not a scientist or someone who has that knowledge of a geoglist or a scientist but come on think people this is not rocket science it is just mother earth screaming at us saying enough of this shit stop destroying me because the earth belongs to you and was made to enjoy it in all aspects… Again look skyward that is where our energy resources really are… People unite and let us get on that or else those fat cats who are going to get 18 million dollars so that they can get their life back will continue to destroy our beautiful world. Do you hear what I am saying?
Let us see him struggle like many of us… and remember Boycott BP…
And if your really caring leave your car at home and ride a bicycle to work and to get around, it’ better for you and yes you will get to see the true beauty of our earth …especially if like here in Canada’s Capital Ottawa you have great bike paths to tour all over the city and even into the Gatineau hills. In addition, Kudos to Holland who really have the bike thing down to a tee.
If I could do this as a world politician I would...and that is allow cars to travel on certain days and have it so that certain days would be car free...think of it people all the gas and oil emissions not going into our atmosphere …. How would that help in saving our EARTH? Just my thoughts and Opinion…but as one of my mentors says all the time. “Welcome to the island of insanity.” Don’t worry folks I am keeping my eye

I'm with you Tom. Let us see how resilient Tony Hayward is without his money crutch. Throw him into the crack!! Fight for AIR little Tony.