So Hi everyone your probably wondering why I haven't been writing on my blog for the past couple of months ???? Well to be honest with you all call it abit of laziness, and busy things going on.
But here I am again at doing the blog telling the world the views and opinions on my mind.....
I have now however been working very hard on a councillor candidates vision of becoming a councillor at Ottawa City Hall ...Ian Boyd who this person is is a long time friend from highschool and is running in the ward of River Ward againest the now councillor Maria McCrae who has been there TOOOOOO long and is just not doing a great job at what she should be doing. For Example; How long has Ottawa got to wait for a solution on the transit situation. The present councillors can't decide on a tunnel or light rail???YET maria who is the head of the transportion issues can go out and because of a good deal as she sees it spends billions on new buses for the city. Now tell me where was the discussion for that flip flop of wasting tax payers money??? I know for a fact she did not do her homework on this. As my brother was a mechanic for OC Transpo and had to do serious workon the articulated buses as most of them had faults in them. Also these buses are the lousy in snow how many times have you seen them broken down during a snow storm or for that matter in the winter months. Well Maria certainly did not do any homework on this and in the whole thing my brother now because of the work he did fixing the joints on his back has now serious back problems, thank god he retired from OC Transpo, but still has back problems.
Yep a waste of tax dollars on these lousy buses...only because of a great selling deal the company did with the city.Shame on Ottawa for this.
Well come Monday October 25th we shall see as Ottawa does need SERIOUS change at City Hall YES folks we have to get rid of the present council.... as they are not doing anything except fighting each other over stupid issues and not getting things done PRIME example the Tunnel and Transit issue, also Lansdowne Live.
Come on Ottawa do we need four more years of this I think NOT! So on Monday October 25th VOTE for change in our beautiful City of Ottawa.
As I am Ian Boyd's Campaign Manager I suggest and hope that the people of River Ward DO the right thing and Vote for Ian. Please check out his web site and really think before you mark the X on your ballot. Lets get Ottawa back on the right track and get things done.
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